In Honor of our Veterans and Soldiers

We honor our nation’s veterans and the men and women serving in the Armed Forces, including their families. These fine individuals stand out from the crowd, and we salute them for their courage.

They are willing to risk their lives to support the freedoms that are all too often taken for granted. They offer up their lives to protect ours.

Veterans’ Day serves as a reminder of how precious our freedoms are. Our soldiers and veterans deserve to be celebrated every day of the year. Too many of our soldiers have paid the ultimate price in the fight for freedom.

The United States has experienced tragedies and triumphs, and we continue to stand strong against adversity. The freedoms our country enjoys should not be taken for granted, nor should they be abused.

There are thousands of people throughout the world who are suffering from oppression and have never known what it’s like to experience freedom – the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of religion, the freedom to assemble peaceably, and many more.

Let us never lose sight of the fact that we are the United States of America, “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


The sacrifices that were paid for our freedom by these men and women and their families are a gift that we should hold in the highest regard.

Thank you, thank you to all of our veterans and military personnel. You have our honor and respect.

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